It seems that social media is everywhere and it isn’t going away. In the job market, most of the focus has been on formal resumes that chrologically list experiences, projects and achievements.

One of the most common problems with resume is even when your achievements are outstanding, it may still look and read like hundreds of others.

What’s even worse is that on an average a recruiter spends just over 6 seconds reading a resume. With Shyahi, we want to address this problem by providing you a platform to create your online identity, your new social resume. According to 2013 Social Recruitment Survey done by Jobvite 93% recruiters will likely look at candidate’s online social profile before making the final recruitment decision. They want to see how good a fit you are for the company, how active you are and how you utilize the web.

Shyahi is a new way to build a profile to showcase your developer contributions and social activity. Its free, easy to set up and pulls in your stats directly from Dribbble, Github, Stackoverflow, Twitter and your blog feed which means that your Shyahi profile is always up to date. You can also add your skills and a more formal resume to your Shyahi profile. Use the Shyahi profile as your new resume or share it with your friends/colleagues. Forget building and constantly updating your resume with what you have been doing. Have your contributions speak for you.

We use NodeJs on the backend with a MongoDB Database and Backbone JS for the frontend. To run everything we use a combination of Heroku and MongoHQ. The combination provides a smooth path to grow our database and servers as we reach more users. Our tech stack is a real mixed bag of technologies, driven by 3 basic questions, what’s the best available? How long will it take to implement? Can we afford it? We expect to evolve our tech stack as we grow. However, we expect scaling to be easy on us as our current tech stack is built keeping scaling in mind.

Create a new Shyahi profile now and begin showcasing your social activity. Follow Shyahi on Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and AngelList.